-Feline Ears: Pointed and furry upright ears

Level One:
-Feathered: Feathery fluffs, similar to those found on horned owls
-None: No ears at all!

Level Two:
-Equine: Thin, tapered ears that have a wide range of motion, similar to those found on horses
-Bat: Broad, rounded ears with an inner cone, very sensitive to sound

Level Three:
-Headwings: In place of ears, the Gryphon has wings. Wing type mimics main wing type.
-Finned: Membranous ears, usually stretched between supporting spines

Level Four:
No level four head-type traits currently exist

Level Five:
No level five head-type traits currently exist

-Size: Ears can be small, standard, or large in size
-Tufted Ears: Tufts of fur or feathers coming off the tips of the ears
Level One:
No level one head-type modifiers currently exist

Level Two:
-Extra-Long: Ears are especially long, sometimes to extreme levels
-Floppy: Ears droop or hang
-Feather Crest: A line of feathers runs along the top of the head/neck, varies in size between individuals

Level Three:
-Double: Multiple sets of ears are present. In the case of a heterozygote for trait, both types of ear will be present simultaneously.
-Feelers/Antennae: Insect-like antennae are present
-Eyebrows/Eyelashes: Extra-long feathers emerge from the corners of the eyes or eyebrow region

Level Four:
No level four head-type traits currently exist

Level Five:
-Tentacles: Thick and dexterous tentacles emerge from the head, just behind the ears

-Predatory: Eagle-like beak with a hooked end. Very sharp

Level One:
-Pointed: Passerine-type beak, comes to a point at the end

Level Two:
-Parrot: Curved and hooked bill similar to that of parrots, high crushing power

Level Three:
-Half-Muzzle: Lower jaw is not beaked, resembles the muzzle of a feline, while upper jaw resembles the top portion of a predatory beak
-Hummingbird: Extremely long, pointed beak
-Waterfowl: Dull, broad beak resembling that of a duck or goose

Level Four:
No level four head-type traits currently exist

Level Five:
-Muzzle: Instead of a beak, Gryphon has a complete muzzle. Homozygous form fatal, use caution in breeding

No base beak modifiers currently exist
Level One:
No level one beak modifiers currently exist

Level Two:
-Teeth: Despite the presence of a beak, large and pointed teeth are present
-"Facial Hair": Hair or feather growth is present along the surfaces of the beak

Level Three:
-Serrated Edge: Edge of the beak is sharp and jagged
-Horns: Beak has horns sprouting from it
-Tusks: Curling tusks are present, usually emerging from the corners of the mouth

Level Four:
No level four beak modifiers currently exist

Level Five:
No level five beak modifiers currently exist

-[Fore] Talons: Front legs are bird-like. May be scaled or smooth.
-[Rear]Paws: Back legs are cat-like paws.

Level One:
-[Fore] Paws: Front legs are cat-like paws.
-[Rear] Talons: Back legs are bird-like. May be scaled or smooth.

Level Two:
-[Front or Rear]Hooves: Legs end in solid hooves.

Level Three:
-[Front or Rear]Finned: Legs end in fins. Fin appearance varies. Gryphons with this trait have difficulty moving on land.

Level Four:
No level four leg traits currently exist

Level Five:
No level five leg traits currently exist

No base leg modifiers currently exist

Level One:
-[Front or Rear] Hands: Digits are configured as hands, complete with opposable thumbs

Level Two:
-[Front or Rear] Double: (Only has a visible effect on talons or hooves) Changes configuration of digits. When talons are present, they take on the two-in-front, two-in-back appearance of parrots. When hooves are present, they become split and deer-like.
-[Front or Rear] Polydactyl/"Cleppie": Either more or less digits than normal are present.
-[Front or Rear] Dagger-claws: Claws are exceptionally long and thick.
-[Front or Rear] Wings: Small wings sprout from the wrists. Type depends on main wing type.
-[Front or Rear] Spurs: Hooked spurs emerge from the rear of the limb, as in roosters. Used for fighting.
-[Affects Both] Mis-matched: Rather than having the standard configuration of one leg type in the front and one in the rear, legs vary, ie: One front limb that is a paw and one that is taloned rather than taloned forelimbs and pawed rear.

Level Three:
-[Front or Rear] None: Legs are simply not there. o_O
-[Front or Rear] "Hooks": Gryphons have a raptor-like claw.
-[Front or Rear] Webbed: Webbing is present between the finger-digits.

Level Four:
-[Front or Rear] Wyvern: Wings are found on the legs instead of the back.

Level Five:
-[Front or Rear] Tentacles: Thick and dexterous tentacles emerge from the attachment point of the limbs. In very rare forms, tentacles replace the limbs completely.

-Feathered: Large, bird-like wings that allow flight

Level One:
No level one wing-type traits currently exist

Level Two:
-Draconic: Wing is bat-like, with membranes stretched between sturdy tines.

Level Three:
-Faerie: Insect-like or decorative wings. Form varies.
-Finned: Fins sprout from the shoulders in place of more standard wings.
-Aquatic: Wings are similar in appearance to those of a penguin.
-Arms: In place of wings, Gryphon has an extra pair of arms.
-Spines: Long and sharp spines from the shoulders.

Level Four:
-Beetle: Insect-like wings with a hard shell protecting them
-Ray: Thick, fleshy wings that stand out stiffly from the sides, similar to the fins of a ray or skate.

Level Five:
-Tentacles: In place of wings, Gryphon has a writhing nest of tentacles emerging from the shoulder. Very dexterous.

No base wing modifiers currently exist. Level One:
-None: No wings at all!

Level Two:
-Ethereal: Wings float off the body and are slightly transparent, but still allow for perfect flight.
-Flags: Wings have long, trailing portions. Highly decorative, but serving no purpose.
-Vestigial: Wings are greatly reduced in size, and no longer allow for flight.
-Claws/Hands: Wings have small claws or hands present at the hand-joint.
-Location: Wing position changes along the back, resulting in placement closer to the hips or up to almost the neck.

Level Three:
-Winglets: Instead of a pair of large wing, many very small wings are present. Type is based off main trait. Does not allow for flight.
-Combined: Heterozygote shows a combination of both wing types.

Level Four:
-Multiple [Same Type]: Gryphon has two sets of wings!
-Skeletal: The normal wing covering - or even muscle - is not present, resulting in bony arms emerging from the shoulders.

Level Five:
-Multiple [Different Type]: Two sets of wings with different types!

-Feline: Long, furred tail

Level One:
-Feathered: A tail made of feathers, like that of a bird.
-Draconic: A long tail that tapers at the end.

Level Two:
-Feathered/Feline: A feline tail with a fan of feathers on the rump.
-Canine: A fluffy puppy tail!
-Hair: A plume of long hair, similar to that of a horse.

Level Three:
-Bladed: The tail is long and thin, tapering to a point and capped with a wicked, scythe-like blade.
-Finned: The tip of the tail is equipped with a fin of varying form.

Level Four:
-None: No tail at all. Homozygous form fatal, as in Manx cats.

Level Five:
-Tentacles: A tentacle. For a tail. Goodness.

-Length: Short, normal, or long.
-Tufted: A fluff of hair or feathers at the tip of the tail!

Level One:
No level one tail modifiers currently exist.

Level Two:
-Long Hair: Extra-long hair covers all or part of the tail.
-Multiplied (2-3): More than one tail.
-Split tip: At the tip of the tail, it splits into two distinct tips.
-Flags: Long, trailing feathers rise from the base of the tail. Decorative.
-Winged: A small pair of wings near the tail tip.

Level Three:
-Multiplied (4+): Even more tails!
-Combination: Heterozygote shows a combination of two distinct tail types.

Level Four:
-Winged: Tail is covered in many small wings or one standard-sized pair!
-Grasper: A small hand at the end of the tail, used to grab items of interest.

Level Five:
-Multiple [Different Type]: Multiple tails of differing type!

Coat Type
-Feathered Fore, Furred Hind: ...feathers in the front, fur in the back.

Level One:
No level one coat traits currently exist.

Level Two:
-All Fur: The whole body is covered in fur.
-All Feathers: The whole body is covered in feathers.
-Hairless: Eeeew. Bald Gryphons!

Level Three:
-Reversed: Fur in the front, feathered behind.

Level Four:
No level four coat traits currently exist.

Level Five:
No level five coat traits currently exist.

No base coat modifiers currently exist.

Level One:
-Neck Ruff: An extra-fluffy ruff of feathers/fur around the neck.
-Back Mane: A ridge of fur or feathers that runs along the spine.

Level Two:
-Extra-long: Fur and feathers are especially long and thick.
-Head Mane: A fluff of fur atop the head, sometimes styled.
-Spines: Pointy spines emerging from the skin!

Level Three:
-Scaled Stomach: Belly is covered in hard, protective plates.

Level Four:
No level four coat modifiers currently exist.

Level Five:
-Fully Scaled: Lizardlike coat of scales instead of feathers or fur.
-Armor: Crustacean-like plates of keratin that protect the body.
-External Bones: Various parts of the body have their bones... exposed. o_O;;

Color Modifiers
Level One: -Colored Skin: Exposed areas of skin are of odd/fantasy colors.
-Albinism: Non-pigmented, pure white with pink at areas of high blood flow.

-No Horns
-Normal Length Claws

Level One:
-Present: Single set of horns, of varying appearances.
-Long Claws: Long claws, talons, or... hooves?

Level Two:
-Multiple: Several sets of horns present

Neck Length
-Normal Neck: A neck of average length.

Level One:
-Elongated Neck: A long neck, similar to that which would be found on a crane, heron, or egret.