Based upon the avian reptile known as the Basruttak, a valuable creature that is often sought after by individuals because of the ability of it's feathers to hold and safeguard enchantments/magics. They've been hunted to near extinction because of this power, and those few that still exist in the wild, are rare to find. While they once possessed massive wings the Basruttak evovled to no longer need them, their many feathers instead allowing for them to float upon the wind currents with little energy use. The males are gorgeous, covered in glowing blue-green feathers with long curved horns, while the females of the species tend to be muted earth tones. They are about the size of a Raveen, so for an Animal Kat to share traits of this bird-like reptile would actually allow for that individual to blend right in with them. If they ever wanted to, that is. Basruttak are, afterall, hard to find and probably don't make for the best of company.
He has the power of Electrokinesis that seems to spike in power during storms, or in an areas where magics have recently been used. He's naturally immune to the forces of nature, so a direct hit from lightning does him little harm at all. His power of Mystism is a dormant one, and exists in the glowing feathers that decorate his body. It works to store any magics that are used around him, and later on, gifts him with the ability to use that power once. He can only store powers he's been near when they were used, and especially, if said magics were ever used against him then his feathers would store even more of that magic. |