She seems to have a high tolerance for the cold, perhaps due to her Season-ancestor, and less of a tolerance to higher temperatures. Not that it's enough of a bother to be a real issue, she's just not likely to teleport into a desert if she can help it. Her power as a Dream Walker allows for her to wander the world of dreams when she's asleep; allowing her to keep herself conscious and in control of the dreams around her. She can better understand her own dreams, and even wander into the dreams of others she's close to. She'll have to be careful though, as sometimes Dream Walkers can end up in dreams that belong to enemies and be forever trapped with the taint of that enemies' mentality. Provided she never enters the dream of someone who has a link to a 'Nightmare Walker' she should be safe. |
*Teleportation (turns/reforms in snowflakes)
*Dimensional Teleport (sound of shattering glass)
*Aura Vision
*Night Vision
*Dream Walker
*Calming Wing-Aura
*Aerokinetic Flight
Familiar Information
Names: Mika
Gender: Female
Type: Dream Singer
Power: Can phase in/out of corporeal form, and stun those it 'phases' through to immobolize them momentarily.
Notes:Attracted by the Dream Wisp bonded to her Father, this Dream Singer came upon this Raveeness when she was still quite young. It's hung around her ever since, refusing to leave and treating her like a ward to be watched over. Dream Singers have the ability to swim through the dream world, protecting their bondeds while they sleep, as they devour nightmares and banish those that are too powerful to eat. Dream Singers actually hail from the Wish Dimension, where they're heralded as powerful omens of good luck. As long as one is bonded to a Dream Singer, they can never be tainted by the hold of nightmares and evil. As her bonded is a Dream Walker, this Dream Singer is an added protection against the threats that exist in the dream world. |