She can Soul-read, and her eyes are a glowing emerald hue. She has perfect nightvision, and also has the gift of True-Sight, meaning she can see through illusions/falsities in her surroundings and upon those she looks upon. If she looked upon an Illusion Kat while they were wearing the guise of another Element she'd see through their false appearance like it was a transparent layer overlayed on their true appearance. And anything that's hidden on someone - an object, weapon, etc - she'd see the item as a flickering blue-hue.
As a Winter Kat she has a natural immunity and love for the cold. Her fur is almost always cold to the touch, and she can affect the temperature in her immediate surroundings. She can't affect more than an arm's length around herself, though. So it's more like changing the temperature directly around her and nothing beyond that -- allowing for her to keep cold even in the most vicious of climates. This can be used as a defensive power, too, as a Winter Kat can cause the temperature to drop to an alarming degree capable of freezing an attacker's blood the instant they enter the Winter's personal space.
She has icy ear tufts, and the tufted end of her tail is also made of icy fur. The scar along her underside is from a pretty serious injury she sustained in her late teenhood. Whether it was from a fight with another Raveen, or something else, however, isn't something she's clarified. The wound was healed by a low-par Healer so a scar was made permanent after the healing took place. It is the only scar that adorns her body.
She mas minor Cryokinetic Powers, in that she can freeze water but she can't create water/ice from nothing. |
*Nightvision (Perfect)
*Cryokinesis (Water to ice, drop surrounding air temperature) |