As a Summer Kat she has a natural immunity to heat, able to withstand even the harshest of heat waves without batting an ear. She is also able to manipulate the temperature, raising it or lowering it to whatever she'd prefer. Summer Kats have the power to manipulate the earth, but it's unusual in that it only appears to work during the seasons of Spring and Summer; during the Fall the power starts to dwindle, and in the Winter it's unresponsive. The thick silver ring-braclet she wears holds within it a frosty gem that allows her the immunity to cold, and cold-based powers/abilities. |
*Nightvision (Perfect)
*Heat Manipulation
*Earth Manipulation (Seasonal)
*Cold-Immunity (From gem)
Familiar Information
Name: Hima
Gender: Female
Type: 'Trace of Snow'
Notes: A 'Trace of Snow' is a small creature that is believed to be a mix of a Wisp and Snow Spirit, that only appears in snow storms. It falls from the clouds in the form of heavy snowflakes, and remains behind until the end of winter. They are usually only visible to Azama/Coraz Spirits, but have the power to make themselves visible to others. This Trace of Snow did not leave with the coming of spring, and took to wandering around until it befriended the Summer Raveeness. It now travels with her, it's cold body shaped like a small canine with icy spikes on it's back. While virtually made of ice/snow, a 'Trace of Snow' cannot melt, but it does remain wary of fire anyway.
Power: Can call forth unapologetic snow storms/a sudden flurry of a blizzard or have a small area suddenly cloaked in frost.